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Press Conference and Participation in the Baidahuang Agricultural Machinery Exhibition in Harbin

Posted By:DLG China    Time: 2014/03/04

Joint German-Chinese Demonstration FarmGanhe: Press Conference and Participation in the Baidahuang AgriculturalMachinery Exhibition in Harbin


The “Joint German-Chinese DemonstrationFarm Ganhe”, implemented by AFC together with its partner, DLG International,is now running in its fifth year. The project is financed under the bilateralcooperation programme by the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and ConsumerProtection (BMELV).


The project is located in Inner Mongolia,neighbouring Heilongjiangprovince, which is a major agricultural machineryprovince, with a high scale of agricultural mechanisation and an advanced levelof both, farming machinery and equipment, ranking top in China.


The project partners therefore decided toparticipate this year in the Baidahuang International Agricultural MachineryExhibition,organised under the leadership of the provincial government inHarbin, Heilongjiang Province.


Our four German machinery companies (Claas,Lemken, Grimme and Rauch) were able to demonstrate their modern agriculturalmachinery adapted to the conditions in northern China.


Agriculture and Food Safety as well as aForum of New Machinery Services and Agricultural Modernisation and a PressConference on New Technologies and Products for Agricultural Machinery, inwhich our partners also participated.


As part of the AgriWorld Conference, theproject held its annual press conference, which was well organised as usual byMrs. Zhang Li, Managing Director of the DLG office in Beijing and moderated byMr. Karl-Martin Lüth, Senior Consultant at DLG. Following a welcome speech byMr. Martin Lüth, Mr. Li Jun, Director of the State Farm Bureau of HeilongjiangProvince welcomed the guests from the Chinese side and opened the conference.



Approximately 100 guests representingmedia, universities and state farms listened to the progress report of thedemonstration farm, given by Mr. Bunge, team leader of the project. His reportsummarised the achievements of 5 years project work and demonstrated clearlyhow modern adapted plant production techniques and machinery can result inhigher yields, soil rehabilitation and lower diesel consumption.


Mr. Bunge highlighted also the importanceof the joint elaboration of strategies and ideas by Chinese and German expertsto solve problems at the Ganhe state farm and further stressed the importanceof training and education in the agricultural sector in China.









The exhibition was held jointly with the“Agri & Food Expo Harbin”, and was accompanied by the “AgriWorldConference” with international speakers, including a Global G.A.P. Forum and aPlenary on Ecological The four German agricultural machinery companies gave anoverview of their products and their development in China and highlighted thesupport received from the project and especially its PR activities, whichfacilitated their activities in the Chinese market.



The following questions and answers sessionbetween the visitors and the podium of speakers showed not only the enormousinterest in improved agricultural production that the project can nowdemonstrate, but also in cooperation with the project and the offer to providepractical and theoretical training in form of seminars in other regions innorthern China.



The conference ended with a dinnerreception, which gave the opportunity for further discussion with and questionsto the national and international speakers.